At long last, below are photos of the finished diorama depicting the Zeros of the Imperial Japanese Navy’s Akagi aircraft carrier preparing to take off as part of the first wave attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. I finished this project back in June 2017 but, as often happens, life got in the way of the hobby and I never posted the finished piece.
Below is a photo of my first attempt at thisdiorama from 2017, taken by the side of the pool.
For a variety of reasons, I was not satisfied with it:
The diorama was too small to take good photos;
The Zeros came from different die-cast companies and looked odd as the shades were slightly different and the Akagi’s red recognition bands at the rear of the fuselage were different widths;
The tail numbers on three of the Zeros were not decaled and looked shoddy;
One Kate — even if that Kate was Fuchida’s famous AI-301 — seemed insufficient for the occasion since there were 27 Kates but only nine Zeros on the Akagi’s deck that day;
The flags were significantly underscaled and I had inadvertently switched the ones on the inside for the ones on the outside;
The island, which was scratchbuilt, lacked some details, including voice tubes, proper staircases, and, notably, the rolled futons used during the Pearl Harbor attack to guard against shrapnel from the expected counterattack that never came;
The 4.5 meter rangefinder on the deck just fore of the island was missing, as were the two antennas fore and aft of the rangefinder;
The deck needed more figures to simulate the beehive of activity seen in actual photos; and
The diorama needed a more appropriate backdrop.
So I kept at it, as time permitted, slowly correcting all the aforementioned problems. I doubled the length of the deck, used nine identical Witty Zeros all with appropriately decaled tail numbers, included seven Kates, recreated the flags at the right scale and placed them on the proper side, added more details to the island, included the range finder just fore of the island, painted more figures (for a total of 85), and added a backdrop that showed the horizon at sea.
I finally finished the improved diorama this week, just in time to post these photos today, on the anniversary of the attack. Nonetheless, I will continue to detail how I constructed each piece of the diorama in future posts.
Starboard Shots
View from the Front
Portside Shots
View from the Rear
Overhead Views
Detail Shots
Lagniappe 360 Degree Video of Island
Below is a 360 degree video of the Akagi island without the futons used at Pearl Harbor to protect from shrapnel from the expected American counterattack that never materialized.
Video Player
Media error: Format(s) not supported or source(s) not found
Thank you for your indulgence and I hope you enjoyed the photos and video. As always, comments, questions, corrections, and observations are welcome.
Once again I want to thank my friend and fellow collector Joe Buccellato, of NY, who painted all the best figures in this diorama. I also want to thank Tim Lau, of Maryland, who created the decals for the Zeros and gave me solid advice when I was stuck, and Chris Pflueger, of California, who gave me some great tips on photographing the diorama. I also want to acknowledge Sidnei Maneta, of Brazil, who took the time to provide great information on the Kate tail numbers, which will be covered in a future post. I’d also like to thank Sasa Drobac of Serbia, who designed the incredibly detailed 3D printed binoculars, searchlights, and rangefinders used on the island. Finally, I want to thank Ara Hagopian, of Massachusetts, whose constant encouragement provided the push I needed to actually turn my ideas into these 1/72 scale scenes.
This is Part 3.1 of a series of posts on the construction of a diorama depicting the Zeros of the Imperial Japanese Navy’s Akagi aircraft carrier preparing to take off as part of the first wave attack on Pearl Harbor. This post only concerns Masanobu Ibusuki. To understand the concept of this diorama project, please refer to this post. To view the finished diorama, please click here.
As mentioned in the preceding post, the Japanese pilots who participated in the Pearl Harbor attack were considered some of the most experienced, most highly skilled, and best-trained pilots in the world at the outbreak of the Pacific War. Still, their odds of surviving the war were minimal, irrespective of experience, skill, or training. As previously discussed, only two of the nine pilots survived the war. One of these was Masanobu Ibusuki, whose post-war story I found compelling.
As with Shigeru Itaya, I could find no biography of Ibusuki in any book or on the internet. What follows is derived from one-sentence references in various books as well as bits and pieces from obscure corners of the internet.
Assigned to the IJN’s Flagship Akagi
Ibusuki graduated from the Japanese Naval Academy in April 1940 and joined the fleet as a lieutenant in March 1941, less than a year later. He was assigned to the Akagi as a Zero fighter pilot and by early October was training for Pearl Harbor at Kagoshima Harbor, a Japanese harbor with similar terrain. Below is a photo of Akagi’s fighter pilots taken six months before Pearl Harbor (Japanese Naval Fighter Aces 1932-45, Ikuhiko Hata et al).
Attack on Pearl Harbor
At Pearl Harbor, Ibusuki was second in command to Shigeru Itaya, leading the second Shotai of Akagi Zeros in the first wave. His primary mission was to intercept American resistance above Pearl Harbor; his secondary mission was to strafe battleships anchored at Ford Island and parked aircraft at Hickam Air Field. The box art below from Trumpeter’s 1/24 scale Zero kit shows Ibusuki’s aircraft (AI-103) at Pearl Harbor. The two yellow stripes on the tail designate him as chutai (squadron) leader of the nine Akagi aircraft in the first wave.
Along with Itaya, Ibusuki was one of two Zero pilots credited with shooting down Captain Raymond Swenson’s B-17 (#40-2074) Flying Fortress at Hickam Air Field – the first B-17 casualty of the war. The public domain photo below shows what was left of the B-17 (Pearl Harbor Visitors Bureau website).The panoramic photo below was created by friend and fellow hobbyist Ara Hagopian by merging and enhancing three separate screen captures from color film taken by Sgt. Harold Oberg just three hours after the attack. The wreckage of the B-17’s fuselage can be seen on the far left. The severed tail can be seen on the far right of the photo.Raids on Port Darwin and Colombo
Ibusuki participated in numerous attacks on allied ports and ships while assigned to the Akagi. In February 1942, shortly after Pearl Harbor, he participated in the raid on Port Darwin, Australia and in April 1942 in the raid on Colombo, Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) – two Japanese attacks on British ports that were virtually identical in scope and execution to the attack on Pearl Harbor. The photo below shows Australian ships burning at Darwin Harbor after the attack (Wikipedia MV Neptuna entry). Cheating Death at Midway
Probably more than at any time during the war, Ibusuki showed his mettle on June 4, 1942 at the Battle of Midway. While the entire Combat Air Patrol (CAP) — the Zero fighters charged with patrolling overhead to protect the Japanese fleet — worked extraordinarily hard throughout the battle, no one worked harder than Masanobu Ibusuki. Shattered Sword: The Untold Story of the Battle of Midway, Jonathan Parshall and Anthony Tully’s outstanding 600-page tome on Midway, includes Japanese operational records from the carrier air groups. The data shows when each CAP watch group launched and when it returned, as well as the pilots who comprised each group.
I gleefully added the periods each Akagi pilot was in the air during the various watches and produced the table below. As the table demonstrates, Ibusuki participated in two watches: the Third for 2 hours and 4 minutes; and the Eighth for 7 hours and 15 minutes, totaling 9 hours and 19 minutes patrolling overhead. The pilot with the next highest time, Zenji Ono, spent a total of 7 hours and 13 minutes during four watches. It bears mentioning that the average flight duration for all 19 Akagi pilots was 2 hours and 34 minutes — roughly a third of Ibusuki’s time. While I did not tabulate the periods for the pilots of the three other Japanese carriers at Midway, a review of the data revealed that no pilot even came close. Ibusuki showed his commitment and love of country that fateful day as he fought off American fighters and bombers hour after hour.
Ibusuki launched for his second watch at 9:45 a.m. that morning. Merely an hour later, fires raged uncontrollably throughout the Akagi deck after SBD Dauntless dive bombers from the USS Enterprise led by Richard Best hit it with 1,000-lb. bombs. Ibusuki continued to fight for another six hours before exhausting his fuel and being forced to ditch his Zero in the ocean as he could no longer land on the burning Akagi. Like several other Akagi Zero pilots at Midway, Ibusuki was rescued by the light cruiser Nagara. The Battle of Midway decimated the Imperial Japanese Navy but Ibusuki and several others cheated death that day. The photo below from Midway 1942: Turning Point in the Pacific, by Mark Stille, shows Japanese survivors of the Hiryu, rescued by a U.S. ship after drifting 14 days — their despair is an apt metaphor for the Battle of Midway. (NB: Corgi [PR99405] produced a lovely 1/72 scale limited edition of Best’s SBD-3 Dauntless with Midway markings.)
Unscathed After Crash-Landing at Guadalcanal
The Akagi now sunk, Ibusuki was transferred in July 1942 to the Shokaku, another carrier that had been present at Pearl Harbor. In early September, during fighting at Guadalcanal, Ibusuki’s Zero’s fuel tanks were ripped by enemy fire. Out of fuel, he was forced to crash-land just off-shore, in an area controlled by the Japanese. Again, he survived unscathed and was soon back in action.
A few months later, in October 1942, he led 20 Zero fighters at the Battle of Santa Cruz. Though the Shokaku was severely damaged from three direct hits, requiring it to return to Japan for repairs, it did not sink, yet it counted a meager four surviving Zeros by the end of the battle. Ibusuki had survived yet another close call. The photo below shows the crew of the Shokaku fighting fires on the flight deck during the battle of Santa Cruz (Wikipedia Shokaku entry).
Surviving the “Turkey Shoot” with the “Tora” Unit
As the Shokaku underwent repairs until February 1943, its experienced pilots were reassigned to other carriers and land-based units. While it is unclear where Ibusuki was assigned during the Shokaku’s repairs, by June 1943 he was serving as group leader of the newly formed land-based Air Group 261 — the Tora (“Tiger”) unit — at Kagoshima. The cover illustration below, from Japanese Naval Air Force Camouflage and Markings, Donald W. Thorpe’s seminal work on Japanese markings, could well be Ibusuki’s aircraft. Without mentioning Ibusuki, Thorpe describes the Zero in the illustration (虎-110) as belonging to the Group Leader of Air Group 261; on the other hand, without referencing this specific Zero, Hata names Ibusuki as the Group Leader of Air Group 261. It is reasonable to conclude from these two references that this might be Ibusuki’s aircraft since his membership covered the entire life of the Tora unit. (NB: Both Dragon [50049] and Witty [72-012-005] have produced 1/72 scale models of 虎-110.)
In June 1944, Air Group 261 suffered heavy losses during the Battle of the Philippine Sea, the largest carrier-to-carrier battle of the war. The aerial part of the battle came to be known as the Great Marianas Turkey Shoot because of the disproportionate losses suffered by the Japanese — over 600 aircraft were lost versus only 123 lost American aircraft. The photo at left is a graphic symbol of the destruction suffered by the IJN. While Ibusuki survived the battle, his unit was decimated. In July 1944, only a month after the Turkey Shoot, Air Group 261 was disbanded and what remained of its personnel was reassigned to Air Group 201, yet another prestigious land-based fighter unit operating out of the Philippines.
Surviving the First Kamikaze Unit
Barely three months later, Ibusuki was involved in one of the most controversial decisions of the war. Amid continued Japanese losses and distressed by the inexorable American march to his homeland, Takijiro Onishi, the Admiral in charge of the First Fleet under which Air Group 201 operated, reluctantly concluded that special attack suicide units willing to crash their explosives-laden aircraft into Allied vessels would be more effective than conventional bombing in slowing the rapidly advancing American forces. On October 19, 1944, Onishi consulted with Air Group 201 leadership, including Ibusuki, regarding the creation of such a unit. Cognizant of the Emperor’s Rescript requiring subjects to carry out their duty at any cost, Ibusuki assented. Onishi, now known as “father of the Kamikaze,” thus ordered Air Group 201 to form the first Kamikaze special attack unit. As the special attack units met with some success, the tactic spread throughout the IJN as the war reached its inevitable conclusion. Of the estimated 3,800 Kamikaze pilots who sacrificed their lives in these deliberate suicide attacks, more than 200 belonged to Air Group 201. In January 1945, surviving Air Group 201 pilots, including Ibusuki, were transferred to Taiwan.
Finishing the War with the Yokosuka Kokutai
Whereas most Air Group 201 pilots lost their lives, Ibusuki again survived, ultimately joining possibly the most elite unit of the Japanese Imperial Navy — the Yokosuka Kokutai. Created in 1916 as an aircraft testing and research unit, and to develop aerial fighting techniques, the Yoko Ku, as it came to be known, attracted the cream of Japanese pilots from all armed forces. In February 1944, as the IJN became desperate for pilots following Japanese heavy losses, the Yoko Ku was forced to become a fighting unit. Ibusuki must have joined the Yoko Ku in early 1945, after Air Group 201 was dissolved. According to Hata, in mid-February 1945, a group of 10 Zeros, Shiden-Kai, and Raiden aircraft led by Ibusuki shot down 19 American F6Fs and F4Us operating from aircraft carriers over Atsugi, Japan, about 25 miles southwest of Tokyo. The photo at left from Ikuhiko Hata et al’s Japanese Naval Fighter Aces shows Ibusuki while with the Yoko Ku.
The last Ibusuki wartime reference I could find was from August 1945. Following Japan’s unconditional surrender, American B-29s were spotted flying over Japan contrary to the terms of the ceasefire. Eager to intercept the American bombers, his men turned to now-commander Ibusuki for guidance. “International law forbids us to attack the enemy after surrender, but it is okay to get back at planes that attack us. Come on men, go get [them],” Ibusuki responded. Ibusuki’s WWII service was thus book-ended by the beginning of the Pacific conflict at Pearl Harbor and by its conclusion with the Japanese surrender.
The few paragraphs above are the sum total of what I could cobble together regarding Ibusuki’s wartime service from the score of brief one-sentence references to him in a couple dozen books at several libraries. Having concluded definitively that Ibusuki had survived the war, I began searching in post-WWII sources. My persistence was soon rewarded.
Ibusuki in His Own Words
I eventually found a reference to an article Ibusuki had written in 1955 for the English-language Nippon Times (now Japan Times) entitled “My Life as a Zero Pilot.” Lacking access to the Nippon Times, I learned that the article had been reproduced in a little-known journal called Japan Digest. Unfortunately, the digest was nowhere to be found online and only a handful of libraries in the U.S. carried the hard copy. I wrote to Indiana University Library and, after paying a fee and waiting a few days for someone to scan it, received a three-page PDF file by email.
At long last here was Ibusuki, telling his story in his own words – in English no less! While copyright laws prevent me from posting the entire article, these are the most salient points: Ibusuki had participated in some of the most intense episodes of the war, including Pearl Harbor, Port Darwin, Colombo, Midway, Rabaul, Saipan, and other Pacific battles. “I was not afraid – as I recollect – but I doubted that I would survive the war,” Ibusuki muses of Pearl Harbor. But he had indeed survived the war and was fortunate not to have been wounded, particularly as he had participated in the bloodiest fighting of the war. However, he had several brushes with death, including once ditching his plane at Midway, as previously discussed, and twice crash-landing after suffering battle damage at Guadalcanal and Peleliu. As I had surmised, he had indeed made ace – six times over – having shot down 30 planes (25 American and five British) during the war, including five in just one battle off the coast of Ceylon (two Hurricanes, two Spitfires, and a Swordfish torpedo bomber), according to his account.
Joining the Japanese Air Self-Defense Force
Ibusuki had joined the National Safety Force formed by Japan with American aid in 1952. In 1955, now nearly 40 years of age, he had learned English and was a member of Japan’s newly formed Air Self-Defense Force, which replaced the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy (the non-bellicose name complied with a provision in the new Japanese Constitution that Japan may not maintain war-making potential). Ironically, Ibusuki was flying U.S.-donated F-86 Sabre Jets (the American response to the Soviet MiG-15) and being trained by U.S. instructors. According to some sources, there were 30 applications for every opening and recruits were required to have a university education and proficiency in English. Ibusuki had nothing but praise for his American trainers and was pleased to be sitting in the cockpit once more. “I have won my wings again, and I am flying once again,” Ibusuki declares in closing. The photo below shows F-86 Sabres of the Japanese Air Self-Defense Force ( July 2015).Encouraged by the Japan Digest article, and armed with more information, it became easier to locate additional articles. In March 1956, several U.S. dailies carried a brief article, similar to the one below from the San Rafael Daily Independent Journal dated March 1, 1956, detailing Ibusuki’s participation in joint U.S.-Japan training exercises in Japan. (The article is brief and mostly factual, and I felt comfortable posting it under the theory that facts cannot be copyrighted.)
Further research yielded several other 1956 articles that referenced Ibusuki in connection with the formation of Japan’s first tactical fighter wing since WWII. The most important of these was a September 1956 New York Times article entitled “Japanese Air Ace to Lead New Wing.” The article is noteworthy because of its unequivocal reference to Ibusuki as an “ace” with 25 victories over U.S. aircraft. The article details the creation of the Air Self-Defense Force and, among other things, describes how Ibusuki was a favorite of American pilots at the officer’s club. The first part of the article appears at right. Copyright laws prevent me from posting the entire article.
Nearly Cheating Death Again
However, less than four months later, the 41-year-old Ibusuki was dead. On January 9-10, 1957, just over 15 years after Pearl Harbor, several U.S. newspapers carried variations of the blurb below — this one from the Arizona Republic dated January 10, 1957:
Japanese Jet Pilot Dies in Air Collision TOKYO, Thursday (INS) – Japan lost one of its leading jet pilots yesterday when Lt. Col. Masanobu Ibusuki, 41, was killed in a collision between two American-built F-86 Sabrejets of the Japanese Air Defense Force. The pilot of the second plane, Maj. Gen. Hachiro Setoyama, commander of Japan’s Second Air Wing, parachuted to safety (emphasis mine).
Another brief article from January 9, 1957, in the Jamestown (N.Y.) Post-Journal provided additional information:
Japanese Pilot Dies in Aerial Collision HAMAMATSU, Japan (IP) – One of Japan’s best pilots, a veteran of the Pearl Harbor attack, was killed today in the new Japanese air force’s first aerial collision in its three-year history. Sabre Jets piloted by Lt. Col. Masanobi Ibusuki and Maj. Gen. Hachiro Setoyama brushed while flying in formation and went out of control. Both pilots were ejected from their cockpits but Ibusuki’s parachute did not open. His body reportedly plummeted into the ocean (emphasis mine).
Setoyama, himself a navy bomber pilot during WWII, parachuted to safety. Ibusuki, who had repeatedly cheated death during the war, actually survived the collision and successfully ejected from the Sabre. Ultimately, however, he was unable to cheat his destiny when his parachute failed to open. The sea, over which he flew his entire career as a naval pilot, made good its claim over him – perhaps fittingly. If death was unavoidable, Ibusuki could not have chosen a more suitable end, particularly given his dedication to duty as a Japanese pilot steeped in the Code of Bushido – “always prepared to die.”
The Unsung Ace
Ibusuki’s own article, published in the Nippon Times, where anyone could have contested his assertions, the New York Times article, which holds itself to the most stringent fact-checking standards, as well as many other short articles from various newspapers, invariably either credit Ibusuki with 25-30 kills, or otherwise refer to him as an “ace.” Why then does Ibusuki not appear on available lists of aces, such as Ikuhiko Hata et al’s Japanese Naval Fighter Aces 1932-45 (1989) or Henry Sakaida’s Imperial Japanese Navy Aces 1937-1945 (1998)? Ibusuki’s situation is similar to Itaya’s, an issue covered in a previous post. It is simply inconceivable that any pilot could survive four years of constant “kill-or-be-killed” aerial combat in WWII, including nine hours of fighting at Midway, without achieving five victories. The logical and inescapable conclusion is that the lists are incomplete, at least with regard to Ibusuki. If anyone reading this post has access to Henry Sakaida, one of the foremost experts on Japanese aces of WWII, please refer him to this post. Perhaps the record can be set straight — if indeed it is incorrect — and Ibusuki can claim his rightful place in Japanese naval history.
Thank you for your indulgence and I hope you enjoyed the post or at least found it informative. If something looks amiss, please let me know. I would be delighted to correct inaccurate information so that this may be useful to other 1/72 scale collectors and wargamers. As always, comments, questions, corrections, and observations are welcome. As mentioned, stay tuned for an overview of IJN pilots available in 1/72 scale in the next post.
I’d like to thank the great folks at Indiana University Library for their courteous and quick service in locating, scanning, and sending me Ibusuki’s article. I would also like to remind readers that I’m merely a 1/72 scale plane, tank, and soldier collector — not an academic or expert on this subject by any means.
Lagniappe Paragraph: “Life Imitates Art Far More than Art Imitates Life”
I realize this is totally off-topic, but as I avidly read about Ibusuki’s death, my thoughts drifted to the eerie similarities with the backstory of Bartholomew Quint, the ill-mannered professional shark hunter in Spielberg’s 1975 blockbuster movie Jaws. Serving on the USS Indianapolis, which had just delivered “Little Boy” to Tinian to be used on Hiroshima, Quint was one of just over 300 out of 1,200 men who survived its sinking by a Japanese submarine torpedo on July 30, 1945 – literally 16 days before the Japanese surrender. Approximately 900 men survived the sinking itself; of those, almost six hundred perished over the next four days from dehydration, salt-water poisoning and, more importantly for this article, shark attacks. Quint, who had been traumatized after witnessing many of his shipmates being eaten by sharks, ironically met his fate in the same terrifying manner – only thirty years later. Like Ibusuki, Quint eluded his fate during the war – but it was merely a reprieve.
For anyone interested in Robert Shaw’s unforgettable performance as Quint, particularly as he recounts the sinking of the Indianapolis, below is a four-minute YouTube video. Please note that Quint’s dates and figures are slightly inaccurate.
This is Part 3 of a series of posts on the construction of a Pearl Harbor diorama. It will depict the Zeros of the Imperial Japanese Navy’s Akagi aircraft carrier preparing to take off during the first wave attack. To understand the concept of this diorama project, please refer to the previous posts. This post concerns only the nine Zero pilots who participated in the first wave. It’s important to make abundantly clear at the outset that I’m not an expert on this subject and what follows is superficial research compiled from the dozen books I own on the Zero, supplemented by bits and pieces from obscure corners of the internet.
I. Introduction
It is often stated that few of the highly skilled pilots of the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) at the beginning of the Pacific War — most of them highly experienced veterans of the China War — survived the conflict. While there is little doubt the assertion is generally accurate, information specifically summarizing the fate of IJN Pearl Harbor pilots proved elusive — at least in English. My interest, of course, was on the fate of the nine Akagi Zero pilots who participated in the first wave. Below is a June 1941 photo of Akagi’s fighter pilots from the new edition of Ikuhiko Hata et al’s Japanese Naval Fighter Aces 1932-45, translated from the Japanese by Christopher Shores.Conveniently for purposes of this post, Peter Smith’s Mitsubishi Zero: Japan’s Legendary Fighter provides a narrative that names all nine Akagi Zero pilots of the first wave:
“The Akagi had contributed the No. 1 Fighter Strike Unit comprising a hikotai of nine A6M2s divided into three shotai of three planes each. No. 1 Shotai was Lieutenant-Commander Shigeru Itaya, who was in overall command of the 1st Wave fighter aircraft, with Petty Officers 1st Class Takashi Hirano and Shinatsugu Iwama. No. 2 Shotai consisted of Lieutenant Masanobu Ibusuki, with Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshio Iwashiro and Seaman 1st Class Toichiro Hanyu. No. 3 Shotai comprised Warrant Officer Suekichi Osanai, Petty Officer 2nd Class Masao Yaguchi and Seaman 1st Class Mitsuyoshi Takasuka.”
Curiously, Smith does not provide a similar narrative for the pilots of Akagi’s second wave, nor does he provide any narrative whatsoever for the pilots of the other five aircraft carriers at Pearl Harbor. A rare and serendipitous occurrence, it’s as if Smith knew that these were the nine names I needed. At any rate, once armed with the names of the nine pilots, obtaining additional information was simply a matter of checking indices, lists of aces, lists of deaths, and lists of academy graduates in other books, plus bits and pieces from the internet.
Two notations are necessary at this point. First, the spelling of Japanese names can often get mangled in translation. Thus, for consistency I’ve used the spelling in Hata et al’s Japanese Naval Fighter Aces 1932-45. For example, after several searches proved futile, I concluded that the following corrections were necessary to Peter Smith’s list: Shinatsugu Iwama was actually Shinaji Iwama; Yoshio Iwashiro was actually Yoshio Iwaki; Masao Yaguchi was actually Masao Taniguchi; and Mitsuyoshi Takasuka was actually Mitsuyoshi Takasuga.
Secondly, I thought it best to avoid using ranks after Pearl Harbor to avoid confusion, as pilots were promoted over the course of the war and it was not uncommon to promote pilots posthumously. For example, a pilot may have held the rank of seaman during Pearl Harbor but had been promoted to petty officer at the time of his death.
II. The Pilots: Low Odds of Survival
Below is a table of the Zeros that participated in Akagi’s first wave used in a previous post, modified to include the pilots’ names and the date of their deaths (DOD). I used various sources, most notably the aforementioned new edition of Hata et al’s Japanese Naval Fighter Aces 1932-45, which helpfully includes a couple of profiles of the Zeros used by these pilots.Though the Japanese pilots who participated in the Pearl Harbor attack were considered some of the most experienced, most highly skilled, best trained pilots in the world at the outbreak of the Pacific War, the odds of surviving the war were minimal, irrespective of experience, skill, or training. It is a sobering thought that, as the table graphically demonstrates, of the nine Akagi Zero pilots who participated in the first wave, six had perished by October 1942 — less than a year after Pearl Harbor — and another was killed by the end of the war. Only two of the nine pilots survived the war. While this sample size is too small to extrapolate to the 78 Zero pilots from all six carriers in both waves, it does provides a reasonable estimate of the number of survivors: probably around 17.
The table also makes clear just how difficult it was to make ace; i.e., to score five victories. As can be seen on the table, only two of the nine pilots accomplished the feat, one with 14 victories and one with 8 victories, despite the fact that these were some of the most experienced pilots in the world involved in arguably the most target-rich episode in human history. Thus, the odds of making ace were the same as those of surviving the war — roughly one in five. (NB: Let’s be clear, “victory” is a euphemism for “kill,” the term more commonly used. To be an “ace,” a pilot had to shoot down five enemy planes, which often resulted in killing five or more men. I use the term “ace” without any value judgment. These men were merely doing what their country asked of them. To the extent there’s admiration for an “ace,” it is not because the pilot killed other men but rather because of the skill necessary to survive.)
III. Notable Pilots
While I’m fairly certain that much could be written about each one of these nine pilots, my goal was to identify them and their Zeros and ascertain whether they survived the war or made ace. I hope the table above achieves that modest purpose. However, I want to bring the reader’s attention to four of these pilots, without disrespect or attempt to diminish the achievements or sacrifices of the other five. These four pilots are pictured below; from left to right, they are Shigeru Itaya, Yoshio Iwaki, Masao Taniguchi, and Masanobu Ibusuki. Uncannily, all four appear in the first photo above and are specifically identified in the caption, despite the fact that only six of the 19 pilots pictured are mentioned in the caption.
Shigeru Itaya, the overall commander of the 43 Zeros in the first wave, was covered in a previous post, soon to be rewritten with assistance received from readers familiar with Japanese sources. Please refer to that post by clicking here. Yoshio Iwaki, one of the two pilots who made ace, had earned eight victories when he met his death August 24, 1942, in the Eastern Solomons, incidentally serving on the Shokaku — another carrier present at Pearl Harbor.
The other ace was Masao Taniguchi, pictured in the lagniappe photo at left, who not only has the distinction of achieving the most victories — 14 — but was also one of the two pilots who survived the war. After being shot down in October 1944, he was fortunate to be convalescing in Japan when the war came to an end. Coincidentally, Taniguchi, like Iwaki, also served on the Shokaku after the Akagi was sunk at Midway.
Because Iwaki and Taniguchi both made ace, information on them is slightly more available. See, for example, Hata et al’s Japanese Naval Fighter Aces for short biographies of these two. However, it was Masanobu Ibusuki, the other pilot who survived the war, and for whom little information is available, whose story I found compelling — and the subject of the next post.
As always, thank you for your indulgence and I hope you enjoyed the post. If something looks amiss, please let me know. I would be delighted to correct inaccurate information so that this may be useful to other 1/72 scale collectors and wargamers. As always, comments, questions, corrections, and observations are welcome. As mentioned, stay tuned for a brief biographic note on Masanobu Ibusuki in the next post.
This is Part 2.3 of a series of posts on the construction of a Pearl Harbor diorama. It will depict the Zeros of the Imperial Japanese Navy’s Akagi aircraft carrier preparing to take off during the first wave attack. This post is a follow-up to the previous post and concerns only the pre-built 1/72 scale Zeros to be used in the diorama with renumbered tail markings. To understand the concept of this diorama project, please refer to the previous posts.
The Actual Akagi Zeros
As previously mentioned, the Akagi contributed nine A6M2 Zeros to the first wave attack. As a refresher, below is a table from a previous post of the Zeros that participated in Akagi’s first wave. The Prebuilt 1/72 Scale Models
The photo below shows the prebuilt 1/72 scale Akagi Zeros currently available. It is immediately evident that of the nine actual Zeros that participated in Akagi’s first wave, only AI-155 and AI-154 have been produced in diecast. Unfortunately, the Corgi AI-154 is unusable as is, since Corgi used black, rather than red, tail numbers.The Diorama Zeros
For purposes of the diorama, the goal is to use the five models in the photo above plus four spares — two additional Wittys and two additional FOVs. Only the Dragon AI-155 will be used unmodified; the remaining eight will require new tail numbers as per the chart above. Below is a notional photo of the expected result once the decals are applied.
The Decaled Zeros
I searched extensively for MYK Design’s A-72009 Tora! Tora! Tora! Carrier Akagi 1/72 decal sheet (pictured below), since it includes five of the nine necessary tail numbers: AI-103, AI-107, AI-151, AI-155, and AI-158. (The AI-155 decal is unnecessary as I’ll be using the Dragon model that already carries that tail number.) Alas, I was unsuccessful as the sheet has been out of print for years.
Ultimately, I had no choice but to make the decals myself. I enlarged the image at left, cleaned it up, enhanced the numbers as much as possible, and then reduced it back to 1/72 scale. I then printed the image on Micro-Mark decal paper.
To my dismay, I found that handling the decal sheet resulted in slight smudging. After rereading the decal paper directions, I reprinted the image and “fixed” it onto the sheet with Winsor & Newton fixative. Failure to apply a coat of fixative to protect the image willresult in the image smudging like lead on a pencil drawing when touched.
The photo below shows the decal sheet printed on the Micro-Mark decal paper after the fixative had been applied.With decals in hand, I prepared the three Witty models for application of the decals by removing the tail numbers and yellow stripes as necessary — leaving two stripes for the AI-103; one stripe for the AI-107; and no stripes for the AI-158. See photo below.
There are essentially two ways to remove the tampo markings on diecast models: 1) by scraping them off, preferably with an X-Acto #10 curved blade; or 2) by applying some sort of solvent, such as Testors 1148 thinner or standard acetone for nail polish removal. I found that a combination of the two methods worked best for me. (Note: Do not use enamel thinner on plastic models. It will ruin the plastic finish.) Once the original markings were totally removed, I applied a coat of Pledge (Future) floor finish to ensure that the decals found a glossy base that would prevent silvering. (Pledge’s self-leveling properties are amazing!) After waiting a day for the Pledge to cure, I used Micro Set and Micro Sol solutions to apply the decals.
Micro Set prepares the surface where the decal is to be applied by cutting the oils in the paint, thus allowing the decal to slide on the surface, making it easier to reposition the decal as necessary. Micro Sol softens the decal, allowing it to conform to the surface of the model, which is particularly useful on irregular surfaces such as the panel lines and ridges on the Zero tails. Using these two solutions will help make the decals look “painted-on.”
After waiting another day for the decals to dry, I again applied a coat of Pledge to completely seal the decals between two layers of Pledge. Of course, the Pledge application resulted in a glossy finish. After waiting yet another day, I sprayed the decals with Testors Dull Cote to give the tails a matte finish that matched the rest of the model. The photo below shows the results after the Dull Cote had dried.
In addition to an unmodified Witty model (AI-155), the photo below shows the three decaled Witty models (AI-103, AI-107, and AI-158), plus one decaled FOV model (AI-151). Note that some paint came off the tail of the FOV when I removed the tampo markings, giving it an unintended — though not totally unwelcome — weathered look. (Yes, I’m accepting that which I cannot change. )As previously mentioned, Corgi inexplicably applied black tail numbers to the AI-154 (see inset in the photo below), rather than the well-documented red numbers. I removed the black numbers with Testors thinner and applied a decal with correct red numbers following the process discussed above. Note that the MYK Design A-72009 decal sheet did not include the AI-154 so I made the decals using letters and numbers from different fonts to simulate the MYK Design numbers. The lagniappe photo below shows the result. I made the extra decals standing by the tail in case I botched the first application — a common occurrence, at least for me, when applying decals. To summarize, six models are now ready: the unmodified Dragon AI-155 plus five decaled planes — three Witty models (AI-103, AI-107, and AI-158), one FOV (AI-151), and one Corgi (AI-154). I’ve decided not to decal the last three (AI-152, AI-153, and AI-156) as the FOV model did not respond well to removal of the tampo markings. Instead, I’ll use paper covers using the stencil in the previous post.
I apologize for such a tedious post. I realize that except for diehard readers, discussion of the tail numbers can get repetitive and confusing. Still, I think the photos by themselves tell the story.
Again, thank you for your indulgence and I hope at least some of you enjoyed the post. If something looks amiss, please let me know. I would be delighted to correct inaccurate information so that this may be useful to other 1/72 scale collectors and wargamers. As always, comments, questions, corrections, and observations are welcome. Stay tuned for a brief discussion of the Zero pilots who participated in Akagi’s first wave attack in the next post.
This is Part 2.2 of a series of posts on the construction of a diorama depicting the Zeros of the Imperial Japanese Navy’s Akagi aircraft carrier preparing to take off as part of the first wave attack on Pearl Harbor. Providing the history of the Zero or its technical details is beyond the scope of this article. This post concerns only the prebuilt 1/72 scale Zeros to be used in the diorama. To understand the concept of this diorama project, please refer to the previous posts.
The Actual Akagi Zeros
As previously mentioned, the Akagi contributed nine A6M2 Zeros and 27 B5N2 Kates to the first wave attack. As a refresher, below is a table from a previous post of the Zeros that participated in Akagi’s first wave. As is readily apparent, the tail numbers are all in the AI-150’s except for AI-103 and AI-107. Up to this point, I had deliberately avoided discussing the tail numbers as creating the correct numbers will be one of the more difficult parts of this project, as discussed below. The Prebuilt 1/72 Scale Models
The photo below shows the prebuilt 1/72 scale Akagi Zeros currently available.* It is immediately evident that of the nine actual Zeros that participated in Akagi’s first wave, only AI-155 and AI-154 have been produced in diecast. AI-155 — Shigeru Itaya’s Zero — has been produced by Dragon, Forces of Valor, and Witty. A review of each can be found by clicking on the name of the manufacturer. A short biography of Itaya is also available by clicking on his name. AI-154 has been produced by Corgi. Unfortunately, despite all evidence to the contrary, Corgi inexplicably used black tail numbers rather than red numbers, for which there is abundant proof. AFV Club also produced an Akagi Zero — the AI-101 — that participated in the second wave. For the sake of completeness, it will be used in this project so collectors may compare models from all five manufacturers that have thus far produced an Akagi Zero. The Diorama Zeros
For purposes of the diorama, the goal is to use the five models in the photo above plus four duplicates. The challenge is to create models with all of Akagi first wave numbers other than AI-155. Even AI-154 will be required as the tail number must be in red. The idea is to scrape off the original painted numbers and replace them with appropriate decals so that they match the table above. As thus far I have been unsuccessful in finding the decals, I made a stencil of the tail to cover the tail numbers in the interim. I then scanned the color of each model and applied it to the tail stencil. Matching base colors proved more difficult than I had anticipated.
For those interested in how the colors of the five manufacturers compare, below is a plate showing a scan of each model’s base color. The color of the Corgi model is actually beige and the inset at left matches the model reasonably well. I’m perplexed, however, by the difference in the color of the Corgi model in the photos and conclude it’s due to the lighting. The FOV and Witty colors look very similar but that’s as close to the models as the scanner could make them. Once I made stencils for all five colors, I covered the tail of each model with a new number.The lagniappe photo below provides a notional idea of the intended result. At this point, the tail numbers appear to be a weak part of the project. That will change, however, once the decals are applied. Again, thank you for your indulgence and I hope you enjoyed the post. If something looks amiss, please let me know. I would be delighted to correct inaccurate information so that this may be useful to other 1/72 scale collectors and wargamers. As always, comments, questions, corrections, and observations are welcome. Stay tuned for photos of the models once the decals are applied.
* Witty also produced AI-101 and AI-102 but both were used in the second wave and, except for the tail numbers, are identical to the AI-155. While Atlas/Oxford (same casting) also produced aircraft carrier A6M2 Zeros, they did not make an Akagi Zero. Instead, Atlas produced a model from the Kaga while Oxford produced one from the Ryujo.
This is Part 2.1 of a series of posts on the construction of a diorama depicting the Zeros of the Imperial Japanese Navy’s Akagi aircraft carrier preparing to take off as part of the first wave attack on Pearl Harbor. This post concerns only prebuilt 1/72 scale models depicting Zeros from the Akagi. To understand the concept of this diorama project, please refer to the previous two posts.
Prebuilt 1/72 Scale Akagi Zeros
As I’ve indicated in the past, I lack the modeling skills to build the aircraft necessary for this diorama. Thus, I’ll be using nine prebuilt diecast 1/72 planes. To my knowledge, five manufacturers — AFV Club, Corgi, Dragon Wings, Forces of Valor, and Witty Wings — have tried their hand at producing models of the A6M2 Zero — the version of the Zero used at Pearl Harbor — specifically representing Zeros from the Akagi.*
The photo below shows the Akagi Zero models from the five aforementioned manufacturers, in alphabetical order from left to right. Note the difference in the base color, which reflects the continuing debate over the true color of the actual Zeros.Below is an overhead shot of the five models. Note that the AFV Club and Dragon models have “inked” panel lines, burnt umber and black, respectively, which make the lines stand out. By contrast, the panel lines on the Witty, which are widely considered to be close to scale, are barely visible. My preference is the middle route taken by both Corgi and FOV — while their panel lines may be overscaled, the fact that they were not inked results in a Goldilocks look.Finally, the lagniappe overhead shot below allows better comparison of dimensions. As is apparent from the photo, the difference in dimensions is de minimis (couldn’t resist the alliterative flourish). Ultimately, however, the reader can make that judgment.For purposes of the diorama, the plan is to use these five prebuilt models plus four duplicates to complete the nine Zeros in Akagi’s first wave. Since these manufacturers combined have produced only the AI-154 and AI-155, the project will require disguising the tail numbers so that they match the nine tail numbers used on the Akagi (see table in previous post). That is the subject of the next post.
Again, thank you for your indulgence and I hope you enjoyed the post. If something looks amiss, please let me know. I would be delighted to correct inaccurate information so that this may be useful to other 1/72 scale collectors and wargamers. As always, comments, questions, corrections, and observations are welcome. As mentioned, stay tuned to see these Zeros with the nine new tail numbers in the next post.
* While Atlas Editions and Oxford Diecast also produced A6M2 Zeros for aircraft carriers, neither made an Akagi Zero. Atlas produced a model belonging to the Kaga aircraft carrier (AII-105). Using the same Atlas casting, Oxford Diecast later produced an A6M2 Zero model belonging to the Ryujo aircraft carrier (DI-108). In any case, the Atlas/Oxford models are wheels-up only (wheels are molded retracted into the lower fuselage), requiring a stand and making it difficult to pose them next to other models.
This is Part 2 of a series of posts on the construction of a diorama depicting the Zeros of the Imperial Japanese Navy’s Akagi aircraft carrier preparing to take off as part of the first wave attack on Pearl Harbor. Providing the history of the Zero or its technical details is beyond the scope of this article. This post concerns only the tail numbers of the Zeros of Akagi’s first wave. To understand the concept of this diorama project, please refer to the previous post.
The Akagi Zeros and Their Tail Numbers
As previously mentioned, the Akagi contributed nine Zeros and 27 Kates to the first wave attack. Below is a photo of the Zeros on the deck of the Akagi just prior to take-off.To create the diorama, it is necessary to determine what tail numbers were used in the first wave. In the aftermath of WWII, there was some controversy and confusion concerning the tail numbers of the various aircraft that participated in the attack and whether they were in the first or second wave. Plastic model manufacturers, including Tamiya, even issued models of the AI-101 Zero with yellow command stripes. Photos later proved conclusively that the AI-101 did not carry the horizontal yellow command stripes on the tail and, in fact had participated in the second wave, not the first. Further research shed more light on the tail numbers and at this point the issue is mostly settled.
The table below provides context regarding where each of the Zeros fit within the organizational framework of Akagi’s aircraft. As in the past, I created the table for learners like me who want to visualize where a small piece fits into a larger whole. As I’ve previously made clear, I’m just an amateur enthusiast (redundancy intended) so please use the table at your own risk. I relied on a number of sources, particularly Peter Smith’s Mitsubishi Zero, photos of an Akagi display at the USS Arizona Memorial Museum, and bits and pieces from the internet. Note that the squadron was made up of three flights (shotai) of three aircraft each. The Zeros with horizontal yellow stripes led each three-plane flight. The two Zeros below each yellow-striped Zero belonged to the shotai’s wingmen, in order of rank. For purposes of the diorama, I will be using nine prebuilt models made by AFV Club, Corgi, Dragon Wings, Forces of Valor, and Witty Wings.
Again, thank you for your indulgence and I hope you enjoyed the post. If something looks amiss, please let me know. I would be delighted to correct inaccurate information so that this may be useful to other 1/72 scale collectors and wargamers. As always, comments, questions, corrections, and observations are welcome. Stay tuned for a photo overview of prebuilt 1/72 scale Zero models made specifically for the Akagi to be used in the diorama.
This is Part 4 of Shigeru Itaya Leads the Zeros at Pearl Harbor. It is a review of the Witty Wings 72-012-001 1/72 scale model of Itaya’s Zero at Pearl Harbor. For a brief biographical note on Shigeru Itaya and reviews of the Dragon Wings and Forces of Valor models of the same aircraft, please refer to the previous three posts. Relevant information on Itaya’s aircraft from those posts is repeated below to make this review self-contained. The reader may want to skip directly to the review of the Witty Wings model.
Itaya’s A6M2 Zero, Tail No. AI-155
As discussed in Part 1, Itaya led the 43 Zeros from all carriers in the first wave of the attack on Pearl Harbor. In each wave the Zero planes were the first airborne, both because they needed the least runway to take off and in order to protect the slower, less maneuverable torpedo and dive bombers that followed. As the leader of the first wave of Zeros, Itaya was the first Japanese pilot airborne during the attack.
As noted previously, there is precious little information available on Itaya. This dearth of information extends to Itaya’s plane at Pearl Harbor, a Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero, tail no. AI-155. Although there are some references on the internet that Itaya’s Zero’s tail no. may have been something other than AI-155, the books I consulted consistently use that number. To my knowledge, there are no existing photos of the AI-155, though there are enough photos of other planes from the Akagi aircraft carrier to give us a reasonably accurate understanding of its colors and markings.
Below is a color profile from what is probably the most comprehensive source of information on the colors and markings of WWII Japanese aircraft, Eduardo Cea’s eight-volume treatise entitled Japanese Military Aircraft. I scanned this particular profile from Volume 2, The Air Force of the Japanese Imperial Navy: Carrier-Based Aircraft, 1922-1945 (I). While I’m aware that there are a number of errors in the English translation of the Spanish text that are somewhat distracting, the series is beautifully illustrated, incredibly informative, and inarguably comprehensive, and, being fluent in Spanish, I blithely overlooked the errors. The profile is reproduced here for discussion purposes under the fair use exception to the copyright laws.Itaya’s Zero at Pearl Harbor has been released in 1/72 scale by three different manufacturers: Dragon Wings 50017; Forces of Valor 85032; and Witty Wings 72-012-001. This post concerns the Witty Wings model. The Dragon Wings and Forces of Valor models were reviewed in the previous two posts.
The Witty Wings 72-012-001 Zero
Below is a portside view of the Witty model. Unlike the Dragon and FOV models, which are caramel and ivory, respectively, the Witty model is a pale gray that tends towards white. The photos below are equivalent to those of the Dragon and FOV model. I took them photos at the same time, alternating the model for each different shot, so as to control for lighting and angle. As is clear from the photos, the pale color of the Witty model does not photograph well or, more accurately, I lacked the skills to photograph the Witty model well.Note that the panel lines are faintly visible. The diminutive width of the lines is a feature of the Witty that pleased many collectors, as they appear to be more to scale than those of other manufacturers. In addition, unlike Dragon, Witty did not apply any type of wash to highlight the lines, making them appear even fainter. It is this combination of smaller size and lack of a wash that gives the impression that the panel lines are close to scale. While I understand the desire for accuracy in scale and respect the point of view, I find the Witty lines too faint. The Dragon panel lines may be too pronounced; the Witty lines, however, are not pronounced enough. Still, I suspect a very light inking of the Witty lines would result in Goldilocks panel lines.The photo below provides an excellent view of the tail number “AI-155.” As mentioned in the Dragon and FOV reviews, the “AI” code was the designation for the Akagi aircraft carrier. In the three-digit number after “AI”, the first digit (“1”) indicates that it is a fighter plane. The last two digits (“55”) are simply the aircraft number within the unit. The tail numbers on Japanese carrier aircraft were usually red.
Note also the three horizontal yellow stripes on the tail that indicated command: three stripes for the group leader; two stripes for a squadron leader (9 aircraft); and one stripe for a flight leader (3 aircraft). Note also the “no step” rectangular area outlined in red at the rear of each wing next to the wing root.The photo below provides an excellent view of the Hinomaru, which was carried on both sides of the fuselage aft of the wing and on both the upper surface and underside of each wing — six “circles of the sun” in total. The vertical red stripe on the fuselage is the identification mark for the aircraft carrier Akagi.
Note also the manufacturing plate stenciled just aft of the red stripe. The inset shows that the plate bears the number 1575, meaning it was the 1,575th Zero built. The “2-2-9” means it was built in the Japanese year 2602, second month, ninth day = February 9, 1942. (Yes, two months after Pearl Harbor. Like FOV, Witty “borrowed” this particular stencil from a Zero recovered at Port Moresby in April 1942.) Incidentally, the A6M is called the “Zero” because it first entered service in the Japanese year 2600 (1940), the zero year of the new Japanese century. Please bear in mind that the entire plate is just 4mm wide (just over 1/8 inch). Though the manufacturing plate on the Witty is not as crisp as those on the Dragon and FOV models, Witty should still be commended for the effort.Below is a shot of the starboard side. Note the absence of the manufacturing plate, which was only stenciled on the port side.In the photo below, note the polished natural metal propeller. Note also the two red warning stripes on the tips of the blades that created two neat red circles when the propeller was spinning. As is the case with the vast majority of 1/72 scale prebuilt models, the propeller spins freely.
Note the outlets for the 20mm cannons on the leading edges of the wings just above the landing struts. Also on the leading edge of the portside wing, note the pitot tube (shadow on floor), which cannot be taken for granted. The Corgi Zeros, for example, do not have one.As with the Dragon and FOV models, the photo below shows that the landing strut covers on the Witty also have the “55” that matches the last two digits of the tail number. Note that unlike Dragon and FOV, Witty omitted the oval-shaped fasteners on the cowling. Note also the metal drop tank that gave the Zero an extra 73 imperial gallons of fuel (87 US gallons), significantly increasing its range. Later drop tanks were made of wood and had a slightly different shape. Note also that, like FOV, Witty included a pilot.
The Rub
Well, no, not really a rub — more of a quibble. As previously mentioned, Witty inexplicably omitted the oval-shaped fasteners on the cowling, resulting in a generic-looking cowling. I initially assumed that Witty intentionally omitted the fasteners in order to use the same cowling on its three different Zero models (A6M2, A6M3, and A6M5). However, upon taking a closer look, I realized that the cowling was indeed that for an A6M2 — sans fasteners.
The photo triptych below of three different Witty Zero models demonstrates that Witty crafted a different cowling for each of their three models. The cowling on the A6M2 is wider and shorter than that on the A6M3, reflecting the different engines used on each, and has a scoop that runs the length of the cowling. The A6M2 cowling also lacks the individual exhaust pipes that protrude from the cowling flaps on the A6M5.
The lagniappe photo below shows that while Witty neglected the fasteners, it offset the lapse somewhat by including the aircraft number “55” on the underside of the cowling as was done on the strut covers — a trivial detail perhaps, but pleasing nonetheless. While other manufacturers included the number on the landing strut covers, Witty alone included the number on the cowling.
The Upshot
The Witty 72-012-001 Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero is a beautiful model that closely resembles the original. The excellent casting shows no perceptible problems in its proportions. The panel lines, though faint, are the closest to scale. The cowling, propeller, and undercarriage are all well executed, with no apparent issues other than the missing cowling fasteners. The markings are accurate and crisp and the aircraft number on the underside of the cowling is a neat detail. All Witty Zeros come in wheels down version only, which, although not ideal, still gives the collector the option to display the models on their stands or use them without the stands in dioramas. Matchbox, for example, made its Zeros in wheels up mode only, making it nearly impossible to use in dioramas. While Witty included no features such as a sliding canopy like Dragon or a removable cowling like FOV, their absence does not detract from the model. In short, the Witty A6M2 Zero is a terrific little model — a proud replica of the real thing — and even a cursory review of model aircraft forums reveals that it is a favorite among Zero collectors.
Again, thank you for your indulgence and I hope you enjoyed the post. If something looks amiss, please let me know. I would be delighted to correct inaccurate information so that this may be useful for other 1/72 scale collectors and wargamers. As always, comments, questions, corrections, and observations are welcome. Stay tuned for a simple diorama of Itaya’s aircraft preparing to take off from the Akagi aircraft carrier at Pearl Harbor in the next post.
This is Part 3 of Shigeru Itaya Leads the Zeros at Pearl Harbor. It is a review of the Forces of Valor 85032 1/72 scale model of Itaya’s Zero at Pearl Harbor. For a brief biographical note on Shigeru Itaya and a review of the Dragon Wings model of the same aircraft, please refer to the previous two posts. Relevant information on Itaya’s aircraft from those posts is repeated below to make this review self-contained. The reader may want to skip directly to the review of the FOV model.
Itaya’s A6M2 Zero, Tail No. AI-155
As discussed in Part 1, Itaya led the 43 Zeros from all carriers in the first wave of the attack on Pearl Harbor. In each wave the Zero planes were the first airborne, both because they needed the least runway to take off and in order to protect the slower, less maneuverable torpedo and dive bombers that followed. As the leader of the first wave of Zeros, Itaya was the first Japanese pilot airborne during the attack.
As noted previously, there is precious little information available on Itaya. This dearth of information extends to Itaya’s plane at Pearl Harbor, a Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero, tail no. AI-155. Although there are some references on the internet that Itaya’s Zero’s tail no. may have been something other than AI-155, the books I consulted consistently use that number. To my knowledge, there are no existing photos of the AI-155, though there are enough photos of other planes from the Akagi aircraft carrier to give us a reasonably accurate understanding of its colors and markings.
Below is a color profile from what is probably the most comprehensive source of information on the colors and markings of WWII Japanese aircraft, Eduardo Cea’s eight-volume treatise entitled Japanese Military Aircraft. I scanned this particular profile from Volume 2, The Air Force of the Japanese Imperial Navy: Carrier-Based Aircraft, 1922-1945 (I). While I’m aware that there are a number of errors in the English translation of the Spanish text that are somewhat distracting, the series is beautifully illustrated, incredibly informative, and inarguably comprehensive, and, being fluent in Spanish, I blithely overlooked the errors. The profile is reproduced here for discussion purposes under the fair use exception to the copyright laws.Itaya’s Zero at Pearl Harbor has been released in 1/72 scale by three different manufacturers: Dragon Wings 50017; Forces of Valor 85032; and Witty Wings 72-012-001. This post concerns the Forces of Valor (FOV) model. The Dragon Wings model was reviewed in the previous post. A review of the Witty Wings model will follow shortly in a separate post, with equivalent photos to the other two for ease of comparison.
The Forces of Valor 85032 Zero
Below is a portside view of the FOV model. Unlike the Dragon model, the FOV model does not have the caramel “ameiro” finish. Its tone is not gray, either; instead, it’s more of a light ivory.In the photo below, note the somewhat deep panel lines throughout the model. Though they are clearly overscaled — about as pronounced as Dragon’s — they do not necessarily detract from the model because, unlike Dragon, FOV did not highlight them with a black wash.The photo below provides an excellent view of the tail no. “AI-155.” As mentioned in the Dragon review, the “AI” code was the designation for the Akagi aircraft carrier. In the three-digit number after “AI”, the first digit (“1”) indicates that it is a fighter plane. The last two digits (“55”) are simply the aircraft number within the unit. The tail numbers on Japanese carrier aircraft were usually red.
Note also the three horizontal yellow stripes on the tail that indicated command: three stripes for the group leader; two stripes for a squadron leader (9 aircraft); and one stripe for a flight leader (3 aircraft). Note also the “no step” rectangular area outlined in red at the rear of each wing next to the wing root.The photo below provides an excellent view of the Hinomaru, which was carried on both sides of the fuselage aft of the wing and on both the upper surface and underside of each wing — six “circles of the sun” in total. The vertical red stripe is the identification mark for the aircraft carrier Akagi.
Note also the manufacturing plate stenciled just aft of the red stripe. The inset shows that the plate bears the number 1575, meaning it was the 1,575th Zero built. The “2-2-9” means it was built in the Japanese year 2602, second month, ninth day = February 9, 1942. (Yes, two months after Pearl Harbor. Forces of Valor “borrowed” this particular stencil from a Zero recovered at Port Moresby in April 1942.) Incidentally, the A6M is called the “Zero” because it first entered service in the Japanese year 2600 (1940), the zero year of the new Japanese century. Please bear in mind that the entire plate is just 4mm wide (just over 1/8 inch). Though the manufacturing plate is not as crisp as Dragon’s, FOV should still be commended for the effort.Below is a shot of the starboard side. Note the absence of the manufacturing plate, which was only stenciled on the port side.In the photo below, note that FOV incorrectly painted the propeller white. The propeller should have been polished natural metal, like the Dragon’s. Note also the two red warning stripes on the tips of the blades that created two neat red circles when the propeller was spinning. As is the case with the vast majority of 1/72 scale prebuilt models, the propeller spins freely.
Note the outlets for the 20mm cannons on the leading edges of the wings just above the landing struts. Also on the leading edge of the portside wing, note the pitot tube, which cannot be taken for granted. The Corgi Zeros, for example, do not have one.The photo below shows that the landing strut covers on the FOV model, like the Dragon’s, also have the “55” that matches the last two digits of the tail number. The FOV also has the correct A6M2 cowling, which had four oval-shaped fasteners on each side of the matte black cowling, one on the front part of the cowling and three on the sides. Note also the metal drop tank that gave the Zero an extra 73 imperial gallons of fuel (87 US gallons), significantly increasing its range. Later drop tanks were made of wood and had a slightly different shape.The Feature
It was a welcome surprise that the cowling on the FOV Zero is a separate, removable piece that reveals a Sakae two-row 14-cylinder radial engine. The basic motor is unlikely to make any collector salivate, as it lacks detail, but it looks the part, particularly without magnification. As I’ve pointed out in the past, special features often come at the expense of accuracy, as with the opening canopy on the Dragon model. However, the removable cowling on the FOV is a simple feature accomplished without loss of accuracy that opens up diorama possibilities. The one quibble would be the white wash to highlight the fasteners, which can be easily remedied with a simple black wash. Note also that, unlike Dragon, FOV included a pilot.The Rub
Some collectors were critical of the unsightly screw holes on the underside of the wings and fuselage, as can be seen in the lagniappe photo below, used to secure the model to the packaging. While they’re noticeable and unattractive when you flip the model on its back, it is somewhat of a consolation that they’re on the underside of the model and, at least for me, were not a deal-breaker. Still, it may be a consideration for more serious collectors.The Upshot
The Forces of Valor 85032 Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero is an attractive model that resembles the original fairly well. The excellent casting shows no perceptible problems in its proportions. The cowling, propeller, and undercarriage are all well executed, with no apparent accuracy issues. The markings are accurate, though not as crisp as those on the Dragon. The removable cowling is a welcome feature for those who build dioramas. The FOV 85032 Zero, released under the enthusiast series, was also released as a 95032 regular issue. The only difference between the two releases is that the 85032 has both wheels up and wheels down options, while the less expensive 95032 only has a wheels down option. I have both versions and there appears to be no difference in the finish or weathering. In my opinion, the FOV Zero is a great little model that compares favorably with Zero models of most other manufacturers.
Again, thank you for your indulgence and I hope you enjoyed the post. If something looks amiss, please let me know. I would be delighted to correct inaccurate information so that this may be useful for other 1/72 scale collectors and wargamers. As always, comments, questions, corrections, and observations are welcome. Stay tuned for a review of the Witty Wings model of the very same aircraft in the next post.
This is Part 2 of Shigeru Itaya Leads the Zeros at Pearl Harbor. It is a review of the Dragon Wings 50017 1/72 scale model of Itaya’s Zero at Pearl Harbor. For a brief biographical note on Shigeru Itaya, please refer to the previous post. Today, December 7, 2016, on the 75th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, let us remember the men who died that day.
Itaya’s A6M2 Zero, Tail No. AI-155
As discussed in Part 1, Itaya led the 43 Zeros from all carriers in the first wave of the attack on Pearl Harbor. In each wave the Zero planes were the first airborne, both because they needed the least runway to take off and in order to protect the slower, less maneuverable torpedo and dive bombers that followed. As the leader of the first wave of Zeros, Itaya was the first Japanese pilot airborne during the attack.
As noted previously, there is precious little information available on Itaya. This dearth of information extends to Itaya’s plane at Pearl Harbor, a Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero, tail no. AI-155. Although there are some references on the internet that Itaya’s Zero’s tail no. may have been something other than AI-155, the books I consulted consistently use that number. To my knowledge, there are no existing photos of the AI-155, though there are enough photos of other planes from the Akagi aircraft carrier to give us a reasonably accurate understanding of its colors and markings.
Below is a color profile from what is probably the most comprehensive source of information on the colors and markings of WWII Japanese aircraft, Eduardo Cea’s eight-volume treatise entitled Japanese Military Aircraft. I scanned this particular profile from Volume 2, The Air Force of the Japanese Imperial Navy: Carrier-Based Aircraft, 1922-1945 (I). While I’m aware that there are a number of errors in the English translation of the Spanish text that are somewhat distracting, the series is beautifully illustrated, incredibly informative, and inarguably comprehensive, and, being fluent in Spanish, I blithely overlooked the errors. The profile is reproduced here for discussion purposes under the fair use exception to the copyright laws.Itaya’s Zero at Pearl Harbor has been released in 1/72 scale by three different manufacturers: Dragon Wings 50017; Forces of Valor 85032; and Witty Wings 72-012-001. This post concerns the Dragon Wings 50017. Reviews of the other two will follow shortly in separate posts, with equivalent photos of each of the three models for ease of comparison.
The Dragon Wings 50017 Zero
Below is a portside view of the Dragon model. Immediately apparent is the beautiful caramel finish. Putting aside the continuing debate about whether the caramel color was the effect of a protective layer of varnish or the natural result of the aging of the pigments, the fact remains that the Zeros had an “ameiro” tone, which means “caramel-colored” in Japanese. Upon review of Zeros in my collection from a dozen different manufacturers, I’m convinced that Dragon is the only manufacturer that got it right (though Hobby Master produced some terrific “ameiro” D3A1 Vals). If nothing else, the Dragon finish matches the description and color plates in Cea’s eight-volume set on Japanese planes.In the photo below, note the pronounced panel lines, which disappointed some collectors. In my view, however, it is not so much that the lines are significantly overscaled as the fact that Dragon inexplicably “inked” them — for lack of a better term — as one would highlight the crevices on a tank with an umber wash to make them stand out better. It is this combination of overscaling and “inking” that gives the impression that the panel lines are deeper and wider than they actually are.
The photo below provides an excellent view of the tail no. “AI-155.” The “AI” code was the designation for the Akagi aircraft carrier. In the three-digit number after “AI”, the first digit (“1”) indicates that it is a fighter plane. The last two digits (“55”) are simply the aircraft number within the unit. The tail numbers on Japanese carrier aircraft were usually red except on two carriers (Zuiho and Hosho) whose tails were already red. The identification numbers on aircraft from those two carriers were white so as to make them stand out against the red tails.
Note also the three horizontal yellow stripes on the tail that indicated command: three stripes for the group leader; two stripes for a squadron leader (9 aircraft); and one stripe for a flight leader (3 aircraft). Note also the “no step” rectangular area outlined in red at the rear of each wing next to the wing root.
The photo below provides an excellent view of the Hinomaru, which was carried on both sides of the fuselage aft of the wing and on both the upper surface and underside of each wing — six “circles of the sun” in total. The vertical red stripe is the identification mark for the aircraft carrier Akagi.
Note also the manufacturing plate stenciled just aft of the red stripe. The inset shows that the plate bears the number 7702, meaning it was the 7,702nd Zero built. The “2-3-30” means it was built in the Japanese year 2602, third month, thirtieth day = March 30, 1942. (Yes, more than three months after Pearl Harbor. ) Incidentally, the A6M is called the “Zero” because it first entered service in the Japanese year 2600 (1940), the zero year of the new Japanese century. Please bear in mind that the entire plate is just 4mm wide (just over 1/8 inch). Again, Dragon’s attention to detail is remarkable.Below is a shot of the starboard side. Note the absence of the manufacturing plate, which was only stenciled on the port side.In the photo below, note the polished natural metal propeller with the two red warning stripes on the tips of the blades. As is the case with the vast majority of 1/72 scale prebuilt models, the propeller spins freely. Note the outlets on the leading edges of the wings just above the landing struts for the 20mm cannons. Also on the leading edge of the portside wing, note the pitot tube.The photo below shows the aircraft’s number “55” on the landing strut cover, which matches the last two digits of the tail number. Note the correct cowling for an A6M2, which had four oval-shaped fasteners on each side of the matte black cowling, one on the front part of the cowling and three on the sides. Note also the metal drop tank that gave the Zero an extra 73 imperial gallons of fuel (87 US gallons), significantly increasing its range. Later drop tanks were made of wood and had a slightly different shape.
The Feature and the Rub
In the close-up below, note that the canopy slides back — an interesting feature of the Dragon model. While some collectors were critical of the noticeable gap on the rear bottom part of the canopy necessary to allow the front canopy to slide back, some of us applauded this precise feature as it opens up significant diorama possibilities. Quite obviously, the gap is overscaled. As I’ve pointed out in the past, added features often come at the expense of accuracy. Still, in this particular instance, the gap looks fine when the canopy is open. Please bear in mind that close-up photos greatly amplify defects.
The Interior
The lagniappe close-up photo below provides a good view of the interior of the canopy. Note the superbly detailed instrument panel and the handle of the control column. To my knowledge, Dragon is the only manufacturer that produced a prebuilt model with an opening cockpit and, therefore, with a detailed instrument panel. Unfortunately, Dragon did not include a pilot.
The Upshot
The Dragon Wings 50017 Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero is a superb model that closely resembles the original. The excellent casting shows no perceptible problems in its proportions. The cowling, propeller, and undercarriage are all well executed, with no apparent accuracy issues. The “ameiro” finish is beautiful, though, admittedly, the “inked” panel lines detract from the overall effect. The markings are accurate and crisp throughout. The sliding canopy is a welcome feature, at least for those of us who build dioramas. All Dragon Zeros came with wheels up and wheels down options and, in addition, this particular Dragon Zero issue included a diorama deck and display case. In my humble opinion, it’s a terrific little model that compares favorably with Zero models of most other manufacturers.
Again, thank you for your indulgence and I hope you enjoyed the post. If something looks amiss, please let me know. I would be delighted to correct inaccurate information so that this may be useful for other 1/72 scale collectors and wargamers. As always, comments, questions, corrections, and observations are welcome. Stay tuned for a review of the Forces of Valor model of the very same aircraft in the next post.