Dear Readers:
I have spent over a year serving in a war-torn country where I didn’t have access to the hobby. While being away from family and friends was undoubtedly the toughest part of the tour, being away from the hobby — my books, tanks, planes, soldiers and, of course, fellow collectors — was easily the second hardest part. At any rate, I’m back, eager to resume where I left off before my long absence.
As I reread some of my previous posts, I realized that some included more text than necessary and not enough photos to illustrate the narrative. A long list of nearly completed articles also made me conclude that I often failed to publish articles because of some missing piece of information that, in any event, was minor and not crucial to the post. I will apply two aphorisms going forward: First, “a picture paints a thousand words” so I have resolved to be less verbose and include more photos; and second, “perfect is the enemy of the good” so I will seek to publish pieces when they convey sufficient information to make them useful, even if some information is still missing.
When I began this blog I aspired to publish one post each week. Alas, as some fellow bloggers with similar websites had cautioned, daily life often interferes with the hobby and even a single post a month can be challenging. Still, I have enough in the pipeline that a monthly post is feasible. Anyhow, I will strive to make it so.
To those readers who left comments that went unanswered during my absence, I sincerely apologize. It is precisely for you that I write this blog. I genuinely appreciate that you visited the blog and cared enough about the content to leave a comment. I will endeavor to respond to those comments as time permits.
Regarding the Pearl Harbor diorama I enthusiastically began more than a year ago, I promise you I completed it and photographed it — Scout’s Honor. I simply didn’t get a chance to write the narrative to accompany the photographs. You will see several posts on the diorama over the next couple of months.
Thanks for visiting the site. Our enjoyment of the hobby is greatly enhanced when we share it with like-minded individuals.
Warm regards,
Chris says:
Welcome back, chules, in more ways than one! I know how it is with the blog — and I look forward to seeing your work again…
chules says:
Hi Chris,
Thanks for the warm welcome. Man, I missed the hobby! I just spent a couple of hours getting reacquainted with your blog and I wanted to compliment you on your Ju 52 post. I love it. I’ve seen cold winter days like that when the sun suddenly shines gloriously through for a few minutes. And your photography does it justice. But for the bases on the figures, one might mistake it for a real WWII scene.
The Ju 52 is my favorite transport aircraft and I also plan to do a post on it. However, lacking your model making skills, I’ll be using a die-cast Corgi model.
As I went through your site, I also re-read — for the third time — your post on Norman Ough. Quite insightful! I’ve spent literally hundreds of hours on my current project . . . and wish I could sleep in my hobby room.
John says:
So glad to see that you are back, and I look forward to your future posts. As I stated in a previous comment, your website, posts and photographs have truly helped me get back into the wonderful world of 1/72 scale WWII figures and vehicles, especially after a 30+ year hiatus. Thank you! – John
chules says:
Hello John,
Many thanks for the comment and for visiting the site. Welcome back to the hobby. You sound just like me a few years ago, when I came back to the hobby also after 30+ years away. But do be careful, my friend. A seemingly innocuous handful of planes often proliferates and next thing you know your wife is asking you to take your hobby elsewhere — like the garage. And your wallet will also fill the pinch. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions. As I said in this post, like-minded guys like you truly enhance enjoyment of the hobby.
Again, welcome back,