Although cavalry charges were virtually a thing of the past by the start of WWII, the horse continued to be used extensively for transportation of materiel, artillery and, of course, troops. It is estimated that Germany and the Soviet Union employed 2.75 and 3.5 million horses, respectively, during the war.
Given these significant numbers, it is quite surprising that so few 1/72 WWII cavalry sets have been produced – about six, by my count – plus some odds and ends. I’ll attempt to present each set, one at a time, during the next few weeks.
We’ll start with what is probably the best set that includes horses produced thus far – the Revell 02515 German Artillery set.
Revell 02515 German Artillery of WWII
First, here’s a photo of the unpainted figures from Plastic Soldier Review (PSR), the fabulous 1/72 scale plastic soldier website. I note that the set came with seven other figures firing the artillery, but I did not photograph them as this post focuses on those with horses.

This first photo is of the set as it was intended, with six horses pulling the limber, which in turn pulls the 10.5 cm le FH 18 Light Field Howitzer.
PSR described this set as follows:
“Revell have consistently shown that they are the masters at producing artillery sets, regardless of era, and this one does them proud once again. The Revell trademark quality runs right through these pieces, with good detail, excellent realism and almost no flash. The mounted figures could even be of some use portraying German cavalry. . . . [This is] an outstanding set which is well loved and rightly so.”
In fact, as PSR suggests and as many collectors have concluded, I found the set more satisfying with the three mounted soldiers as cavalry separated from the limber. I do realize that it’s unlikely that the two horses alone could pull such a heavy load but the mounted figures are so beautifully sculpted that it’s a shame not to have them as stand-alones.
Note that while I removed the bases from the horses, Revell engineering is so precise that the horses stand without any problem. They’re a joy.
I should point out that the set came with two guns, one with the trails closed for hitching to the limber, and one with the trails open ready for action. As mentioned, I also note that the set actually comes with seven other figures engaged in the act of firing the Howitzer. I may do a post on the five 10.5 cm le FH 18 Light Field Howitzers that I have in 1/72 and may display them at that time. For those interested, the fawn came from the Merten 2410 set.
I hope some of you found this interesting. I intend to present the Waterloo 025 WWII German Cavalry set in Part 2.
Dave says:
This was Great info. Beautiful painting work. Thank you for showing this Great 1/72 stuff.
William says:
Are these made of styrene, or, of that rubbery-waxy stuff that paint won’t adhere to for very long?
chules says:
Hi William,
Thank you for visiting the website. These particular figures are made of neither styrene nor the “rubbery-waxy stuff,” as you aptly call it. Instead, they’re made of some other plastic that takes paint much better than the rubbery stuff but not as well as hard styrene.
You should be aware, however, that new primers specially for plastic are now available. They seem to bond to the plastic to provide a “canvas” where you can then paint. In addition, acrylic paints work very well on plastic and do not crack, like enamels. Finally, sealers are available to help protect your hard work.
I hope this helps.
Al says:
Very nice Blog friend, link added
chules says:
Thanks, I appreciate the compliment as I’m just starting out. Do you mind if I add your blog to my blog roll?